Wednesday, July 4, 2007

‘Speed Bonnie Boat………


…….like a bird on the wing over the sea to Skye’…actually we took the bridge. What an emotional day it’s been. There is no way to describe the impact the Highlands have had on us. The heather is truly, truly ‘purple’… the colours in pictures show pale lilac…heather is PURPLE!!!!! Bright, in your face purple! We stopped to view a loch from a mountain top, and there, miles from anywhere was a lone piper in full regalia, we wept. Onto Skye and immediately found the ruins of Moele Castle, ancient seat of the MacKinnon Clan since 1236. Ate local salmon and drank local ale and local whiskey, listened to a Scottish folk singer and once again home to a B&B for a FULL International breakfast! We thought we’d be back in Edinburgh on Thursday, but no way….we’ll go back when we are good and ready, rental car permitting. We will have to get a job soon though!!! Lots of love, miss you heaps xxxxxxxxxxx
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