Monday, July 2, 2007


Just when we thought we'd settled down from being 'wide eyed, gob smacked tourists' it's happened all over again. We LOVE Edinburgh. Found a nice B&B and then spent hours wandering around, talking with people, sampling the odd dram and just being generally amazed at how a city could be so 'right'. It's hip, it's cool, it's beautiful and it's fun. There was a piper busking as we arrived and street performers all over the place and it's not even Festival time.....they deserve 'The Festival'. We finally dragged ourselves back to the B&B after spending some time talking with a couple of kilted, burly young Scots in a pub, they were so interesting, informed and epitomised the quote we've shown. We snuggled down under a 'tartan' duvee and woke up to a hearty 'Scottish Breakfast' which is identical to the Irish, English, NZ breakfast...we think cooked breakfasts should be 'International Breakfast' so you could have a 'Continental Breakfast' or the other.....blah. blah, we must hae awa ta the Highlands and Skye....thanks for keeping in touch, miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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