Monday, July 16, 2007

John Constable..Robin Hood and Lord Byron....

.....we decided to drive down to London last Friday and hang out there for a few days. We had an interview in Essex so it seemed like a good idea. Found a 'lovely sounding' room online, hired a car, loaded our bags and off we went. Driving on a Friday afternoon, to London, in the pouring rain is quite challenging....but wait, there's more! Arrived at the address (no mean feat, a lot of teamwork involved), and the room had been very creatively described, couldn't stay it was horrible. So off we went (thank goodness we had a rental car and weren't schlepping our gear!), found a habitable hotel in Essex and stayed the night there. Had a great interview for the job the next day (which we got...more about that next time). Then drifted into Constable Country, the hotel shown was over 600 years old, very Dick Turpinish! Very hard to sleep...too much of the past still going on............perhaps the cajun chicken with several pints didn't help. Awoke to the clack of hooves on the cobbles......Up and onto Sherwood Forest. We stayed the night with friends and visited an Abbey once owned by Lord Byron. Silly man ran out of money doing mock sea battles on the lakes and firing canons at servants and had to sell it. Note the peacocks in Nottingham cafes behave like the sparrows in Ponsonby cafes...I bet the sparrows wish they looked like that. Start work next week in Essex, more about that later. Thanks so much for your emails and for keeping in touch, it keeps us going. Love you and miss you heaps xxxxxxxxx
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