Monday, June 18, 2007

And so we say farewell to Slane........

All good things must come to an end and working and living in Ireland is no exception.....we spent yesterday exploring Slane which is something we haven't had time to do and beat a path through the jungle to get to the castle across the road and a few paddocks and then a jungle!!!! It was a bit reminiscent of Prince Charming getting through to Sleeping Beauty - hence Rod peering through the undergrowth!! Slane's a great place, but we are ready for some new adventures. The lovely lady we are with, is Judith, who works at the local restaurant. She rescued us when we first came to Slane and couldn't find the Millhouse and so we had to say goodbye to her. Today we are off to explore Ireland (Ring of Kerry - on Amy's recommendation) until Friday in a yellow Mercedes which has kindly been lent to us for a few days - we might or might not give it back!!!! Of course we'll give it back - we MUST continue to travel light! Have a few interesting job prospects in the UK, but until we nail that we are going to go and visit Brian Horn and see what his part of the world is like....Stafford, in the midlands. Can't wait to hit London, need a bit of a big city fix at the moment -you can take the city folk out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the city folk!!!! or somesuch nonsense! Love getting your emails and comments - miss you all heaps and wish you were here xxxxxxxxxx
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