Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ah, yes......Dublin.....

.....did you know that here, North is South, East is West.....if you get our drift! You see, when you face North, West is on your right, so if you have a lapse in concentration you can end up miles in the absolute opposite direction from where you intended to be. Bugger!!! We walked for 3 hours thinking we were heading back to the apartment where we were staying (incidently that's a shot of it and the pic with the boat in front of it is U2's recording studio, taken from our bedroom window...). Anyway, saw lots of Dublin, finally found our way home and rewarded ourselves with a pint of Guiness on the way at the Ferryman and watched the French sailing boats depart. A lovely way to spend a Bank Holiday aka Queen's Birthday. Miss you all and love to receive the emails and comments, thanks a heap for being there xxxxxx
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salsera said...

great to hear all is going well, I'm loving your blog. We miss you ! Lots of changes here, we are now happily installed in our new home, somehow our team managed to score the best views. I'm glad you're getting to use your event skills over there. It sounds like you are having such great adventures. I always read your blog with a tear in my eye. Remember if you ever get work in Spain to give me a call!!!!!!

Enjoy your Guiness (not too much eh)
Meredyth x

Pete said...

Well well,

Gone all that way to find someone who will employ you! Love the photos and the chat. Wish we were there!!!

Take Care

Pete and Sharyn.