Friday, March 19, 2010

A race against time……

…… the last few days we have finally worked out the transport system and have been using it as an easy way to get around (much easier than “da passeggio” – walking). It is very cheap, you buy a ticket from a newsstand for 1€, validate it on the bus or metro and then you have 75 minutes travel. The trick is, if you are a tourista, managing to get to where you want to be in the allocated time can be rather challenging………we love it….it makes us feel like we are in the “Great Race”.
We decided to visit the catacombs; this entailed a bus, the metro and a bus… probs, except it was off our maps of Rome. On the last leg we met a really lovely young Kiwi woman who has been living here for 20 months. We talked and talked all the way to the catacombs where we got off having promised to keep in touch ………..The thing was we had forgotten to lay our trail of crumbs and on the return trip to Rome didn’t recognise any of the landmarks. But we kept our cool, even managing to guide a young German couple to the Metro………..
Tomorrow evening we fly out and so there is a race against time to cram in as much “dolce vita” as possible in 24hours………………wish you were here, it would make it perfecto………xxxxxxx

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