Sunday, May 24, 2009

Life as a servant continues…….

……earlier this week our employers spent a few days here. They arrived with 5 suitcases which was 1 suitcase too many for our car – a lovely late model Honda Jazz. “I think we need something a little larger for you” said our employer – “I think a Audi A6”. This aforementioned car is for our personal use as well as being our work vehicle. We buy the petrol when we go traveling. With this in mind we reached a compromise and are changing our present car for an Audi A4 Estate. Anyway we went to look at cars on Friday. Work here is coming to an end but there is a push to get everything finished by the end of the month – yay! It took us half an hour to get out of the driveway. We had to get the following moved – a small digger, a truck, a large front end loader, a grader, another truck, another truck and several cars!
We have been worried about our lovely swan who we observed nesting for weeks and then she disappeared. We were walking along the stream (which becomes the mighty Thames) the other night and there they were, Mother, Father and 7 ugly ducklings – glorious.
It is a Bank Holiday weekend – sunny and warm – most unusual for Britain. We went to London for the day yesterday and it was magical…..everyone smiles and are really friendly and happy when the sun comes out. We strolled along South Bank and it was going “off”…..there were masses of buskers and on a small space of beach ‘youths’ were flinging themselves acrobatically backwards off the wall…a new urban youth artform???
There was a lady with two budgies who could tell your fortune (she says)…the budgies pick a card (any card!)…bit random! It was great to be in London.
We are going to a local gymkhana tomorrow apparently it’s totally “Thelwell”.
Lots of love xxxxxxx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So its pretty good being a servant, by the look of all the pictures one wishes one cauld pop over and spent some time in your part of the wolrd. Its 20yrs since we were last in Britain.
However things here in NZ have been all go.
Our daughters first child Thomas is 18months old terrorising the place, her 2nd child Maddyson was born monday last 4lb 12ozs prem,
all well
Number 1 son s daughter Bella was born 6th months ago.
And no 2 son in utah is still practicing.
Anthony and Lindsey from utah graced us with there presence at Easter for 2 weeks
Sandra is now manager of a quilting supply shop and its going well
Iam still freelanceing with who ever wants to pay me, work levels down this year compared to last one, nobody wants to spent money to make programms.
I catch up wth Kerry often when I work for TVNZ, Alan and Sandra Kiwis