Sunday, March 15, 2009

Circles of stones……..

….we went to visit the village of Avebury, about 30 minutes drive from here. We found out about it quite by accident. One of the builders on-site mentioned that we might find it interesting. Brian and Jane were coming for the weekend so we thought it a good place to take them.
Shrouded in typical British understatement we discovered a World Heritage Site which is apparently ‘world-famous’. Voted one of the ‘top five most spiritual places in the country’ and is one of ’Europe’s largest prehistoric stone circles’!!! There it sits, a beautiful little village, within a humungous stone circle. Astonishing!!………there are little shops, a school-house, a vicarage etc etc and it is all business as usual. Even a little village hall, with a notice advertising ‘Egyptian Dance Workshops’………It is very different from the Stonehenge which is considerably more hyped and possible less impressive. We are living in an amazing part of the country – chalk horses of various sizes appear on hills, Roman ampitheatres are used as BMX tracks…….We are surrounded, by what we consider to be enormously significant historic artifacts, to which the locals are quite ‘ho hum’.
Meanwhile spring is becoming more evident and it is hard to keep up a façade of “British reserve” when surrounded by so much glorious colour and rampant beauty after the rigours of winter………wish you were here……….xxxxxxx

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