Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winter Wonderland……..

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……….we have been experiencing sub zero temperatures over the last few days and it’s made everything rather misty and mysterious. Yesterday a frosting appeared on the trees and by this morning they were white, the ground is still brown….apparently it is too cold to snow….I don’t truly get that!
Today we went for a walk along a disused canal, it was breathtakingly beautiful albeit rather chilly. The temperatures are set to rise to a massive 10 degrees over the next few days so we’ll be up to our armpits in mud as there is so much work going on around our grounds.
Meeting some really interesting people. We had supper last night with two Artisans who are working on the manor. For some reason it seems much easier to make friends here than it was in Essex. In our experience people are friendlier in this part of the country, complete strangers greet us and comment on our South African accents!!!! We haven’t come up with a rational explanation for it yet?….Have just found some really cheap train fares to London… we will be hitting the ‘big smoke’ again shortly……….in the meantime the Cotswolds have plenty to keep us enthralled………..

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