Thursday, August 16, 2007

One for the "Eventies".......

……..we visited the very picturesque little town ( what little towns aren’t picturesque?) of Maldon – you may have noticed Maldon salt in the supermarket. Anyway is was a quiet Sunday afternoon, nobody was around, when all of a sudden around the corner came a Police Car, then about 5 police people on foot looking full of business. Crikey we thought, there’s a heist happening here, so popped into the safety of our car to become key witnesses. Lo and behold around the corner came the Salvation Army Brass Band, “ta runta ra’! They proceed to march down the main street of Maldon with a FULL police escort, front and back, plus the guys on foot – the whole thing constituted a full road closure. Reminded me of our Santa Parade……………………

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