……..we had a long weekend and as we’d been promising ourselves a visit to Bath for sometime we decided to hop in the car and do it. It’s so easy here to get on the Eurostar or a plane and go to Europe for a mini-break…..but there are many places in England we still have to ‘do’!
The motorway system is great, although you have to share it with millions of other cars as well as huge road trains, but with our trusty ‘satnav’ it makes what used to be stressful and confusing much easier. We don’t know how England does it – 80,000,000 people with masses and masses of countryside and green belt areas……fantastic town planning? Anyway, there we were, blatting down a 6 lane motorway and all of a sudden …. signs (couldn’t stop to photograph them!) “Deer next 41 Miles”….we didn’t see any, but…?
Another sign that took our fancy was……”For the Oracle leave at Junction 11”. We didn’t have any good questions to ask so we just kept going.
Anyway – Bath – the name doesn’t really do it….it doesn’t seem right that such a beautiful town should have such a utilitarian name. However, it does have hot springs (the only ones in Britain) and at the end of the day it would be no more romantic if it was called Rotorua. Beautiful Georgian buildings made from local sandstone, create a sense of lightness and coherent style that the Romans would have been proud off. The River Avon flows right through the town centre which adds to the atmosphere of graciousness. Lots of fabulous restaurants and shops, the perfect place to have a birthday……..to be continued……..
In the meantime this time next week we’ll be seeing a lot of you AND we can’t wait….much love xxxxxx