We decided that we were a little tired of getting lost…it was okay at first…. then we told ourselves it was part of the adventure….but eventually it became down right embarrassing and a bit of a nightmare, especially when we picked up the family from Heathrow and promptly got lost, taking several hours to get home, after tackling the centre of London on a Friday afternoon! We haven’t been altogether technologically lacking through all this, we have planned routes on the computer and then printed off the maps and directions, but, due to no fault on our part, they keep changing the road signs or worse still there aren’t any, so in light of all this stress and drama we bought a Tom Tom GPS.
Oh my goodness….what a delight…we decided to go to Gravesend, an historic maritime town on the southern banks of the Thames. Which took us to Pocahontas…. Apparently Pocahontas visited Gravesend in the 1600’s and is buried there, they even have a statue of her! It is the last place one would expect to find what one had always imagined to be a fictional character. So much so, that I didn’t even take a photo, but found out all this in retrospect, (which is usually how we find our information)! Anyway we keyed into the sat nav where we wanted to go….and a female voice said….” Proceed down driveway 400yards to Mill Green Road and turn right”…. Now we would have turned left, but no matter, we always do as we are told!!! After taking us on a rather round about way to the A12 we were on our way and in spite of a few hiccups, it was a hell of lot better than me trying to navigate from a computer print out! We love the way it tells you when you are in 6 lane traffic..“stay in the left lane” or whatever….it’s great. Two days off, starting tomorrow and we are going exploring. We just have to figure out now, how to change the very ‘British’ female voice to a Kiwi bloke, apparently that is an option?????
Spring has well and truly sprung, the daffodils are still going mad….the trees are all bursting into leaf and the goose is grumpily sitting on eggs….so much for the dreaded ‘blackthorn winter’!!!!
In the meantime we have booked 3 days and nights in Amsterdam mid April and can’t wait………..miss you all heaps…still!!