………..started today and so that means now it will get dark at 4.30pm instead of 5.30!!! But it does mean (at the moment anyway…) that we are getting up in the dusk instead of the dark!! But it’s lovely, the house is so warm and cosy and the woollen jumpers are too hot for indoors.
Autumn continues at Mill Green and part of Rod’s “Life as a Servant” (in between pouring wine for 3 lunch parties this week – that’s a lot of cooking folks!!!!)… has been getting out in the afternoon and trying to deal with the leaf fall. The gardeners have all been away this week as it’s been mid-term break, so Rod, being Rod, took up the challenge. The shot shows one afternoon’s work – I got to light the fire – love that!!
So while the days are shorter, they are no less beautiful and this weekend Wayne came down from London – yes it is truly only 30 minutes away!
An early morning walk yesterday meant we had mushrooms and bacon for breakfast.
We are still gathering chestnuts and getting more proficient at cooking them! It’s just as well there are so many because the squirrels are going hard out to get lots in before winter really kicks in…they are so cute! As the leaves thin in the forest – just close by – it’s much easier to see the deer – they just wander freely everywhere. Our employer is trying to fence our place to keep them out. However, there is a public walkway through our land and a lady has complained that she has to open the gate now when she comes over the stiles as her Labrador can’t get through the fence! Apparently public walkways are absolutely sacrosanct in England – you own the land BUT the public (and all the relevant H&S bumpf that goes with that) have walking rights over it????????
The pond has been stocked with trout recently.....so that when family come they can fly fish....mmmmmn!
Off to Suffolk today to explore (we are taking the boss’s BMW for a little spin)……then Seville on Thursday for 10 days ……more about that later……..we miss you all and really, really wish you were here xxxxxxx